Use "have too many irons in the fire|have too many iron in the fire" in a sentence

1. Too many innocent people getting caught in the line of fire.

2. Many have jobs outside of the fire service.

3. You 'll have too many visitors

4. In America too, archaeologists have found many pyramidlike structures, particularly in Mexico.

5. You can never have too many Blissful moments

6. Many publishers have simply become far too slack.

7. Many libraries have storytime just for babies , too .

8. They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties.

9. Too much was happening too fast in too many places. . . .

10. You have crowded your day with too many activities.

11. Blacksmiths typically work on several pieces at a time (the birth of the phrase "many irons in the fire")

12. I have seen too many of such young heroes

13. We've got too many chairs I must have miscounted.

14. Basophilia is a condition in which patients have too many basophils in their blood

15. Legends have developed around the salamander over the centuries, many related to fire.

16. 15 Too many of us don't have them anymore, either because we're too self-centered or too cynical.

17. Too many have learned of their child's suffering and humiliation after it was too late.

18. Well, I would rather have no friends than too many.

19. I have seen too many people who have looked odd after cosmetic surgery.

20. I have found that transferring too many stitches sometimes results in stitches being dropped.

21. Dozens of people have been injured and many vehicles set on fire.

22. If too many cooks spoil the broth, too many Popes tarnish the faith!

23. I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.

24. You have taken on far too much and are trying to do too many things at the double.

25. And during that year I have cried alone in secret too many times to count.

26. 13 There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts.

27. Health-care experts generally agree that many cities have too many hospitals and some must close.

28. Before long the neighboring houses were on fire too.

29. Many states agreed in general with the scope of the system, but believed the Midwest to have added too many routes to the system.

30. Iron chemical compounds have many uses.

31. Too many angles.

32. Too many lumps.

33. Why should we be careful not to have too many main points?

34. So, it will be a long process. Too many problems have accumulated and regional organisations are too divided.

35. Too many bugs.

36. Many will have forgotten him too because it is surprising how quickly those in the public eye fade.

37. The causes for this might include too many Christmas activities to attend, too much to eat, too much money spent, too many expectations, and too much tension.

38. Too often, the big conglomerates had too many dissimilar businesses.

39. He has several economic irons in the fire, including gold and diamond mines.

40. How Many Airbuses Can the EU Invent? Too Many

41. And we have a little, fat, iron stove, and in the winter we keep a fire going in it.

42. Too many plates spinning.

43. There are too many mistakes in this essay.

44. Far too many marriages today end in divorce.

45. Too much traffic clogging the streets, too many high-rise buildings, too little greenery.

46. If you provide too many links, too many images, or too much text, you might confuse a potential customer.

47. Avoid burying good thoughts in too many words.

48. Hipsters who read too many books in college?

49. Don't overload the outlet by plugging in too many appliances.

50. Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname.

51. To / two / too: There were two too many to be seated, too.

52. Too many people are chasing too few jobs nowadays.

53. There are too many people chasing too few jobs.

54. Too many boys seem to see red too easily.

55. The results of research have indicated that there are already too many fast food operators providing meat in burger form.

56. Alaskans have become all too familiar with the choking wildfire smoke that has filled many summer days in recent years

57. 'The immune system produces too many messengers, which have a strong activating effect on the immune cells.

58. His much - praised'Harvard Commemoration Ode'is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines.

59. He irons my clothes, washes them, too.

60. Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating pathname.

61. There are too many spelling mistakes in this essay.

62. Too many families are still living in substandard housing.

63. Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions .

64. Where so many iguanas too.

65. Walk off too many drinks.

66. Too many children are still injured in avoidable accidents.

67. I've seen too many airdrops.

68. Too many lives were lost.

69. You've raised too many problems.

70. Too many films trivialize violence.

71. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 

72. The article makes too many false presumptions.

73. After too many years 'out to pasture,' the team's beloved fire breathing stallion, more appropriately known as 'Ol' Blasty,' has returned to the team's official branding.

74. Slide ^ 1 - There are too many bullets in placeholder ^

75. There were too many questions reverberating in her head.

76. Syntax Error: Too many arguments

77. Too many for my taste.

78. Too many decorations agitate me.

79. The errors are too many to enumerate.

80. Adjutants are Fire Emblem: Three Houses ' new take on the pair up system present in many other Fire Emblem games